Poster Writing Rules

I-Poster Sessions

Poster hanging: Each poster will be numbered sequentially according to the session. Participants will inform the Poster notices about their work at the beginning of the posters during the specified time and hours by finding the panels allocated to them within the specified hours.

Removal of posters: At the end of the poster session, posters will be removed by the participants. At the end of the session, posters that have not been removed will be removed by the attendants. The Congress Committee will not be responsible for any unused posters.

II- Poster Design

Poster Dimensions: 70 cm width x 90 cm height dimensions and should be designed upright.

Title: Poster Name must be in 48-point Times New Roman Character and in bold type.

Layout: The goal should be clarity and simplicity. The text should be given in two columns (each column 30 cm x 83 cm). A gap of 3 cm between the two columns should be left. Appropriate shapes, tables, graphics and photographs should be used with a brief description. All used vehicles should be readable from at least 2 meters.

Typographical Conventions: Abbreviations and generally unacceptable definitions should be avoided. The font must be compatible with each other in the poster.

2.5 cm clearance should be left from the top, bottom, left and right sides of the paper.

Author Name (s) should be written in bold type with 36 Times New Roman Times.

Author's address (s) must be written in 28 point Times New Roman.

Text titles should be typed in 24 pt Times New Roman and in bold.

The text should be written in 24 pt Times New Roman.